Focus On Triple Offset Butterfly Valve 


Leading Triple offset Butterfly Valve Manufacturers in China

TKOK valve is a leading triple offset butterfly valve manufacturers from China, focusing on research and development of triple offset butterfly valves series products.

TKOK butterfly valves use our own private molds for both the valve body and disc,not use the foundry no matter the wall thickness of the valve body,flange thickness and face to face dimensions,all can meet the requirement of relevant standard.

triple offset butterfly valve manufacturers

Hot product

our Serve industry

TKOK as the best triple offset butterfly valve manufacturers in China, our butterfly valve have good reputation both in domestic and abroad, our product services include the following many fields.


Our product quality inspection

We know the importance of valve product quality, our valves need to be measured, observed appearance, NDT and other testing methods, to ensure that every butterfly valve we release is the best quality.

Material testing machine,
dimension measurement,
nondestructive testing,
pressure testing machine,

Company news

This is the latest news of TKOK butterfly valve. You can find the relevant information about our company’s butterfly valve, butterfly valve related applications, butterfly valve technical parameters, comparison of different valves, the best valve manufacturers in China, and so on.

Advantages and structure diagram of butterfly valve

Advantages and structure diagram of butterfly valve The opening and closing part of butterfly valve is a disc-shaped butterfly plate, which rotates around its own axis in the valve body, so as to achieve opening and closing or adjustment. Butterfly valve is usually less than 900 from full open to full close. Butterfly valve and butterfly rod have no self-locking force. In order to position butterfly plate, worm gear reducer should be installed on valve rod. The adoption of turbine reducer can not only make the disc have self-locking ability, make the disc stop at any position, but also improve

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Selection and application of triple offset butterfly valve

Selection and application of triple offset butterfly valve Eccentric butterfly valves and other butterfly valves have outstanding advantages and are widely used in all aspects of life and work to meet various requirements.With the continuous development of eccentrically sealed butterfly valve technology, its application space is more and more extensive. Application of Double Eccentric Sealed Butterfly Valve Double eccentric sealed butterfly valve is designed with eccentric structure. Its main structure consists of valve body, butterfly plate, seat, stem and driving mechanism. The valve seat is detachable. According to the physical and chemical media characteristics of different media, corresponding corrosion, light

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